28 · 06 · 2024

Zendal Group launches the 5th edition of its International Zendal Awards for human and animal health projects

  • The awards, which this year celebrate their first five years, aim to disseminate and promote new research projects in the field of health.
  • The deadline for submitting nominations is 4 October. 
  • The human and animal health awards, open to both public and private institutions, are endowed with 40,000 euros and 25,000 euros, respectively.

O Porriño, 27th June 2024.-The Zendal group launches the 5th edition of its International Zendal Awards, the annual awards organised by the biopharmaceutical group. These awards were created in 2019 with the aim of boosting, raising the profile of, promoting and recognising new research projects in the field of human and animal health. Year after year, the number of nominations and projects has been growing steadily, which is a sign of the scientific quality of many of the research groups both nationally and internationally. 

These awards are open to institutions and work teams, both public and private. There are two categories: human health, with 40,000 euros, and animal health, with 25,000 euros

For the awarding of the prizes, special value will be given to those candidates who have made relevant contributions in research, biotechnology and health with innovative solutions and a transformative capacity.  In addition, in order to ensure a choice on the most objective terms possible, factors such as the viability of the project, its applicability, and its contribution to improving life in terms of progress and well-being will be taken into account.

Nominations can be submitted until 4 October via the Zendal website, www.zendal.com.

There is also a tribute award, aimed at recognising a professional career. In this case, it is aimed at people whose work and merits in the scientific field have contributed to the development of vaccines and other health products, prevention, biotechnology and the One Health concept.

Previous recipients include María A. Blasco, director of the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), Dr Ángel Carracedo, director of the Galician Public Foundation for Xenomic Medicine (SERGAS-Xunta de Galicia), María Vallet Regí, head of the CIBER-BBN group at the Complutense University of Madrid, and Inmaculada Ibáñez de Cáceres, PhD in Molecular Biology.

The jury will be formed by an International Scientific Committee made up of leading figures in the field of biotechnology and health, as well as a chairman and secretary of the Zendal Group.

About Zendal Group

Zendal is the corporate brand of the biotechnology group focused on the research, development, manufacture and marketing of human and animal vaccines and other high value-added pharmaceutical products for the health sector. It has three R&D centres and several biopharmaceutical production plantsin its laboratories in O Porriño, León, Barcelona and Paredes de Coura (Portugal). 

Grupo Zendal
Zendal es una agrupación de ocho empresas de investigación, desarrollo, fabricación y comercialización de productos de la salud humana y animal
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